Renewal / Nicky Kay
Opening Hours
Monday 2pm-6pm Tuesday - Friday 10am - 6pm Saturday - 10am - 5:30pm
Nicky Kay is an artist, designer, and art teacher based in North London. She has a background in fashion and textiles, having worked in New York, Munich and London. She also has a passion for seeing young people inspired to reach their full, creative potential. She believes art is a great way for young people to voice their feelings and thoughts, as well as learning how to take risks, to be brave and have courage to explore new techniques and ideas.
As a committed Christian, she has a desire to work towards the social, cultural and spiritual renewal of our city. She has exhibited with other Artists and Designers as part of the QaVah collective.
This new exhibition at the Coningsby Gallery is entitled Renewal. Much of the work is designed as prompts for prayer over places, nations and people, and the boundaries which unite and divide us. There is also work from a trip to Kenya, which prompted the interest in MRC Orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya, one of the charities which will be supported by profits from this exhibition.
The other Charity which will be supported is Rapha Medical, based in Nigeria. The two charities are run by two amazing women, Anne and Mary, and portraits of each will be shown in the exhibition.
We hope you enjoy the work and it helps you reflect on this city and the world around us.