Alan Kitching: London’s Building Blocks.
The show explores the transmission of heritage and the craft of letterpress printing. Alongside my work, it will also feature pieces by three designers I’ve mentored and influenced: Michelle Dwyer, Theo Hersey, and Christian Granados.
The feature of this Guardian article is Michael Bennett’s incredible photography. Michael Bennett has a current retrospective now on in the gallery, Being There: Photographs 1968-1990
Fankle is a newly formed multidisciplinary art collective, made up of emerging artists from across the UK, who work independently and come together to exhibit. A complex web of ideas and a shared love of creating unites their varied practices. As they weave stories from memory, experience and mythology, tangling and untangling, we’re reminded of the idea that a world of life is woven from knots. The name ‘Fankle’ is Scottish in origin and means entanglement, like threads where the beginnings and ends are uncertain.
“I have been working as an artist for over thirty years. I am fascinated by light, colour, lasers, technology and science. My initial curiosity in how artists can work with scientists was piqued in 1998 when I became aware of the SciArt scheme. The ethos of the SciArt scheme encouraged me, as an artist, to seek out Life Scientists to collaborate with because the methods we employ to create images are connected. We both use laser technology (I make laser-cut lightboxes), which requires knowledge of light, optics, and computer visualisation methods and I am fascinated by how I can use scientific image data innovatively. As a result, since 2010, a central part of my practice has involved contributing to scientific research projects as one of the research team.”
The international photography platform, GuruShots, will be making their next appearance on the photography scene in London with their exhibitions at Coningsby Gallery in May 2022.
The Coningsby Gallery is delighted to bring to your attention a unique collection of artworks created by Haitian artists and assembled by Jean-Claude Lévy over many years. Jean-Claude was the Honorary Consul of Haiti to the State of New Jersey, USA from 1980 to 2016.
First working together in 2000, Russell Walker and The Big Draw have a longstanding relationship and their mutual focus on drawing and image making is evidenced in the ‘Oh Yeah’ exhibition. Over the week residency, The Big Draw will host a series of talks, masterclasses and workshops sharing industry insights and family friendly events.
It was the idea of wellbeing that sparked Russell Walker’s exhibition, ‘Oh Yeah’. After several pandemic lock-downs during 2020 and many days of Covid-19 isolation, Russell decided that it was essential to reconnect with the creative world, as well as old friends using his latest body of work as the vehicle to do so.
Urban Contemporaries is a group of figurative painters aiming to explore the city experience. We create ambitious responses to the subject, responding with drawing as a starting point, painting as the common medium and individual encounters with urbanised life as the dominant motif. We conceive themed shows that reflect upon the urban condition.
This exhibition by ground-breaking computer generated (CG) image-maker Peter Crowther is a unique example of CGI being deservedly recognised at – and elevated to – the level of fine art.
Lifelines - an exhibition of paintings and mono-prints by 4 artists - Bev Sage, Meg Wroe, Anne Butler and Andrea Lippett.
The England-based Society of Artists in Architecture returns to Fitzrovia, London, for its 4th Annual Exhibition having previously exhibited at the Framers Gallery in Fitzrovia with over 100 works on show in 2017 and 2018.
This is Michael Aubrey’s third exhibition at The Coningsby Gallery and he has developed an enthusiastic following amongst collectors who comment on the paintings’ sense of sheer exuberance, and on the lasting pleasure which they bring to their owners.
Henry Miller is back at the Coningsby Gallery from 16 to 21 September with an exhibition featuring selected works from his unique collection celebrating male beauty through the ages.
‘Force of Nature’ will feature original ink drawings, paintings and prints by Simon from across his commercial and his personal practices.