Reflections - 30 years of the Finnish Art Group
The Finnish Art Group’s 30th anniversary exhibition, Reflections, will be held at the Coningsby Gallery 7th-13th November 2021. To celebrate this anniversary the Group members will exhibit a selection of prints, paintings, textiles, ceramics, mixed media, books and our audiovisual production called The Light Ephemeral - Together Alone.
During isolation, many of us became more familiar with our homes. Slivers of light found their way through the gaps in our curtains, dancing on our ceilings and floors, signifying a hope for things to come. Group members filmed the light using whatever devices were available, and recorded our feelings of hope and gratitude. The clips have been collated into a collective diary, along with a soundscape.
The exhibition will also feature live music performances on the following dates:
Sunday 7th November at 4.15pm Friday 12th November at 7.00pm Saturday 13th November at 3pm
The Finnish Art Group in London has been gathering at the Finnish Seamen’s church in Rotherhithe for over thirty years. We currently have nearly 20 members, all residents in the UK but with some links to Finland.
The artists are very grateful to the Anglo-Finnish society and Suomi-Seura for their support and the Ambassador of Finland to the United Kingdom for agreeing to attend the opening event.
For Inquiries please contact us email: Facebook page ‘Finnish Art Group - Suomalainen Taideryhmä’ @Finnishartgroup
Opening Hours:
Sunday 7th November 3pm-7pm Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th November 11am-6pm Thursday 11th, Friday 12th November 11am-8pm Saturday 13th November 11am-5pm