The Coningsby Gallery

Debut Art

Outstanding contemporary illustration
and graphic and fine art.

Suriname & Other Places / Caroline Romer

Opening Times & Contact Details:

Mon-Fri 10.30am-7.00pm & Sat 11am-4pm

Tel: 07724563501 • 02076367478

Caroline Romer’s new paintings include her response to the colours of the tropical jungle landscape of Suriname, with its brilliant plumage and riverine masses; a return to the Loire and to the Pyrenees; and intimate still life in and out of her coastal Devon studio. They represent a satisfying oscillation between the bold exploratory and a return to quieter sources, between brilliant vistas and the riches of singular detail. A new experimentation with unpeopled space, the bewitching interior/exterior ambiguities she deployed in her last exhibition, is extended here into her tropical panoramas, where the exuberance of the jungle, of which the toucan might be an icon, is invited into the room. Green shutters serve more as décor than filter, the colour floods in. The viewer is held in a permanent, undecidable immersion in both spaces, and treated to a sense of the porousness, or permeation of one into the other. In these paintings, the customary freedom and freshness of her brushstroke combine with a control of spatial volume that is as startling as it is masterly.

This exhibition is dedicated to Victoria (Plum) Stable

The exhibition will be available online via:



Our standard opening hours are below but some exhibitions may have different opening hours. If they do, those opening hours will be detailed opposite.

9am - 6pm Monday - Friday

Weekends by appointment only UNLESS detailed otherwise opposite.

Specific weekend opening hours will be detailed opposite.

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays, unless stated otherwise opposite.

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Exhibition Calendar

October 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
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